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  • Six Best Practices for Curbing Corruption in the Asia Pacific Countries

Six Best Practices for Curbing Corruption in the Asia Pacific Countries

Six Best Practices for Curbing Corruption in the Asia Pacific Countries

Volume 5 Number 1, Spring 2014 pp. 11-27(17)
Research Article
Quah, Jon S. T.
This article begins with an analysis of the performance of the 28 Asia Pacific countries on Transparency International's 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index to demonstrate that corruption is a serious problem in these countries. Next, six best practices for curbing corruption, which are based on the experiences of the four least corrupt Asia Pacific countries (New Zealand, Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong), are analyzed to provide lessons for those Asia Pacific countries where corruption is rampant. The article concludes that the political leaders of those Asia Pacific countries concerned with curbing corruption must have the political will to implement these six best practices. Finally, it is noted that the four least corrupt Asia Pacific countries also have more favorable policy contexts (smaller territories, populations and high GDP per capita) than the other Asia Pacific countries.
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