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  • Knowledge Workers in Asia: Challenges to Their Development in the 21st Century

Knowledge Workers in Asia: Challenges to Their Development in the 21st Century

Knowledge Workers in Asia: Challenges to Their Development in the 21st Century

Volume 3 Number 1, Spring 2012 pp. 90-109(20)
Research Article
Fukutani, Masanobu
The relatively new term 'knowledge worker' describes an employee (such as a researcher, manager, or independent professional) whose knowledge, abilities and training serve as a foundation for intellectual work in addition to basic productive skills. It refers to workers who are autonomous, and have both information processing abilities and leadership abilities. These workers are sometimes called “gold-collar workers”, to distinguish them from blue-collar and white-collar workers. Recently in Asia, the idea of employing a much larger number of knowledge workers has been promoted. This author conducted a survey of 234 companies in the Asia Pacific region to determine the state of trends in the employment and training of knowledge workers, as well as the qualifications and abilities expected of these workers, viewed individually by nation. The article concludes that for meeting the increasing demands for knowledge workers in the future in the Asia Pacific, it is necessary to widen the current supply channels and develop new sources of these workers.
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