(APS 3, Nepal)

I like to keep busy and I believe that participating in a range of circles helps to enrich campus life.
I love interacting with children so I was overjoyed to be chosen last year as a cultural advisor for Saiki City Kamae in Oita Prefecture. I was able to share knowledge about Nepal's different culture and habits through English classes, cooking sessions and other exchange activities, and in turn gain valuable insights into local traditions.
It was an honor to be invited to speak on peace on the Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima at a local primary school in Kamae. Being a cultural advisor was a nice break from studies and I gained rich personal skills - not to mention valuable new friendships.
I am currently delving into different cultural and sporting pursuits including tea ceremony, cycling and aikido. Time management is essential to balance study and circle commitments, but somehow being so involved in extra curricular activities and the opportunities it brings to interact with lots of interesting people makes me want to come to APU everyday!
I encourage everyone to make the most of their time in this unique environment and to devote their time to studying as well as other cultural pursuits.

Da Cunha Souto De

(APS 3, Brazil)

Ever since I can remember, I have had a passion for sport so upon enrolling at APU I eagerly joined the APU Volleyball and Karate clubs. After learning the martial art Capoeira back home I was particularly drawn to karate and thought it would best suit my energetic personality.
I suffered from acute homesickness during my first six-months in Beppu but found I was able to conquer it by growing strong both mentally and physically through the training sessions and from the support I received from my circle friends.
I decided to solely concentrate on karate in my second-year and I have fond memories of participating in two tournaments, winning my division in a local competition in Beppu City. Being involved in co-curricular activities has helped me to manage my study commitments and has assisted in staying healthy and maintaining a good fitness level.
Every year, I set a number of personal goals. This year I hope to attain a higher belt in karate and delve more into international law. I also hope to add a relaxing pursuit to my activities and play the violin in the APU Symphony Orchestra. I strongly believe that if you make time for other activities you will have a more rounded campus life and your studies will benefit too.
APU is also a wonderful place to study. It doesn't exactly feel like Japan nor does it feel like Brazil or any other country I have visited. Its multicultural student body makes it a very unique place to be. I encourage my peers and new students to APU to be open to differences - embrace them and your life will be a lot richer!

(APM 2, Japan)

I am currently involved with three main activities at APU. I'm a member of the Global Admissions Student Staff (GASS), I provide student support in AP-House as a Resident Assistant (RA), and I draw on my systems knowledge as an Information Student Assistant (SA) to assist in lectures on homepage design and information technology.
Through my responsibilities in GASS, I provide information to high school students and parents interested in APU and escort them on campus visits. I try to tell as many people as I can about APU and inform them about things that students can only experience upon entering APU, such as campus life and class content. I try to erase any doubt and answer any concerns high school students may have.
I feel being an RA is a very worthwhile job. I'm especially motivated when the residents thank me for helping out. I want the residents to feel they are on an equal-footing and can talk to me like a friend, and I hope I can assist them in getting used to dorm-life as quickly as possible. Drawing on my knowledge of IT, I also hope to provide support to a large number of students as an Information SA.
I encourage new students to challenge themselves to the max and take advantage of the benefits the APU campus affords with the presence of both domestic and international students. Even though you may experience some trying times, I'm sure you will gain a lot personally by overcoming the challenges that arise. I encourage everyone to embrace the spirit of the APU motto - "We Can Do IT!"

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