AKASHI Yasushi
  Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations/
Visiting Professor of Ritsumeikan University

 A significant merit for APU students is that on a daily basis they are exposed to a variety of opinions and different approaches to solving problems. In this naturally multicultural environment, students can formulate their own viewpoints and have the power to decide Japan's future roles. During the symposium, I thought APU students were extremely inquisitive, frank and friendly. I was left with a strong impression that APU is one of the best Universities in Japan.
 I'm sure student participants felt that contentious world issues cannot be solved with easy-to-fix solutions, like those which are often presented in the news, or that you cannot live your lives detached from many of these world issues. Whilst a student, I encourage you to study earnestly and pursue the truth, and the skills you will gain will stand you in good stead when you enter the workforce.

  Senior Vice Rector, United Nations University

 APU students gave a very impressive performance at the UN Symposium. They had obviously considered the issues carefully, were able to present their points of view in a logical and coherent manner, and didn't seem intimidated by the presence of “so called” international experts.
 I consider that Universities are the “market place of ideas” - where we nurture young minds and teach them to think critically about the place of their countries and their societies in the world, and how the world impacts their daily lives. Through participation in the symposium, I hope APU students have gained an appreciation of the realities of the world around them, and a determination not to let the realities become an obstacle to their idealism and vision to create a better life for everyone in the world.

SIDHU Waheguru Pal Singh
  Senior Associate, International Peace Academy

 Overall the UN Symposium was very constructive. There were many interesting debates, some of which were quite animated and really pushed arguments towards interesting new directions. The student presentations were superb, particularly considering that for the majority of students, English is their second language.
 As I come from a small organization where there are 30 employees and 20 different nationalities, I appreciate the multicultural environment that APU offers because each nationality brings different perspectives. It also fosters greater sensitivity in relation to each other's view-points and how to deal with sensitive issues.
 I encourage APU students to stay in touch with international issues and the current activities of the UN. The UN needs some new thoughts, new ideas and new people, and I definitely believe that APU students can contribute in a positive way, especially regarding peace.

  Vice Chancellor, Ritsumeikan Trust
President, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

 Currently there is much debate in the Japanese Diet and other circles regarding the right to exercise collective security. The control of materials and technologies for developing and delivering WMD, countering international terrorism, dealing with non-state actors, and justifying the rationale for pre-emptive strikes are all important issues which have to be dealt with. I wish to thank the United Nations University and the International Peace Academy for enabling our students to have first hand access to such discussions here at APU.
 The students were able to see that constructive discourse can be conducted in an atmosphere of civility and mutual respect, even when positions are adversarial. I am also happy that they could witness how a university, taking advantage of its neutral setting, could contribute proactively in such matters.
 I wish to extend my deep gratitude to the experts who attended the symposium for their time and efforts to stimulate the young minds around us, drawn from around 75 nations and regions. I am sure it has inspired these young people, to commit themselves in the future to similar endeavours to elevate human society from the travesties of justice that prevail today.


APU Students Taking the Challenge
Some words from our speakers
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