
David Askew

Associate Professor (Law)

Short Biography
Contact Details
Subjects Taught
Research Interests

Short Biography

Born and raised in Australia, I was educated in Japan. I entered the Faculty of Law at Kyoto University in 1985. After graduating, I stayed on as a postgraduate and, after finishing first my LL.M and then my Doctoral coursework, I was employed as a junior member of staff. I next went to the Faculty of Law at Doshisha University, then to Monash University in Australia, and now to APU.

When I have the time, I like to write, to read both within and outside my fields, walk my dog Miruka, and talk. I enjoy literature (Jane Austen especially, most Russian literature, and some twentieth century literature, such as Evelyn Waugh, Kingsley Amis, and George Orwell), biographies, and history. I also enjoy SF novels, particularly libertarian SF, and some crime novels. I have a small collection of modern first editions: I have just about finished Kingsley Amis, and am thinking of starting on Ayn Rand. I enjoy wine (it is a dream to build a proper cellar). I also enjoy translating: I have published both English to Japanese and Japanese to English translations, and find it a relaxing way to wind down. Mostly, however, I enjoy the life of an academic: reading, writing, talking to students, and debating with fellow researchers.

I am presently involved in editing several journals, including Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Studies and the Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, and have just started editing a monograph series with Jerry Eades with Berghahn Books.



Contact details

I can be contacted by email.

Email: askew@apu.ac.jp


Subjects Taught

I have taught a wide range of subjects in the past, recently at Monash University subjects such as Contemporary Japanese Studies, Japanese Management and the Economy, Reading Japanese Newspapers, and Debating Japan. I also developed a postgraduate subject on translating studies (English to Japanese) at Monash.

At APU I teach Globalization and Law and International Law (in English and Japanese in alterative semesters/years), Human Rights in the Asia Pacific (in Japanese), and finally Society and Law (in English), in addition to a research seminar.


I thoroughly enjoy supervising students at all levels (Honours, Masters and PhD levels). The topics I was supervising as of 2001 are listed below:

Research interests

My current research interests can be divided into several sub-groups.

1. Libertarianism: The Minimal State and Anarcho-Capitalism

I recently published a book chapter on Ethical Libertarianism, and an article on Ayn Rand, in addition to a co-authored book on libertarian theory. I am working on a book on Libertarian Theories of Justice and the Law in which I examine privatisation and the criminal justice system (private police, private courts, and private prisons). I look at "political failure" in a government-run criminal justice system, and argue that the market could do better.

2. Human Rights

I teach a subject at APU on human rights, and have recently published a co-authored book, entitled The International Political Economy of the Asia Pacific and Human Rights. I am currently work on a monograph in Japanese on human rights.

3. The History of Modern Japanese Political Thought

I published a book chapter on Ôsugi Sakae, a prominent Japanese anarchist, in 1999, and am presently working on several projects in this area. I hope to publish a working paper on Ôsugi Sakae in the near future, and also one on Japanese Fascism. I am also collecting materials on K. K. Kawakami, Ishibashi Tanzan, Kiyosawa Kiyoshi and Tsurumi Yûsuke.

4. Australia-Japan Relations

I have just published a book chapter on Japanese perceptions of Australia in 1943, and am trying to finish a manuscript on Australian Studies in Japan during the period from 1941 to 1944. I have another two book chapters written, and am editing a monograph on Australia-Japan relations that I hope to see published soon. I am also working on prewar Australia-Japan economic relations, looking in particular at Japanese trading companies located in Australia.

5. The Nanjing Incident

I have recently written several papers on the Nanjing Incident. Three have been published in Sino-Japanese Studies, while another has been published in the Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies. I have two papers on Nanjing published in Japan Forum. I have also completed two book chapters on Nanjing for a monograph to be published soon, and am completing several edited books, the first of which is tentatively entitled Buried Bodies, Cultural Treasure and Government Propaganda: Historical Footprints in Nanjing, 1937-38. I hope to bring the various papers I have written on Nanjing together as a book during the next few years.

6. Translation Studies

I have published several translations of books translated from English into Japanese, and a few book chapters from Japanese into English. I have just completed a translation of Oguma Eiji, Tan'itsu Minzoku Shinwa no Kigen, which has been published from Trans Pacific Press as A Genealogy of 'Japanese' Self-Images. In the past, I have taught translation studies at the postgraduate level, working both into English and into Japanese. I enjoy translating very much indeed, and hope to be able to continue to work in this area.


Books and BookChapters

1995「治安・司法の市場化――無政府資本主義について」『市場の法哲学――法哲学年報 1994』有斐閣

book cover  1999「大杉栄『社会的個人主義 』」、大塚健洋編著『近代日本政治思想史入門 』ミネルヴァ書房
book cover 2000 「倫理的リバタリアニズム」 、松井暁他編『ポスト・リベラリズム――社会的規範理論への招待 』ナカニシヤ出版
2001 "Australia in a Japanese Lens", book chapter in Paul Jones and Pam Oliver eds., Changing Histories: Australia and Japan, Melbourne: Monash University Press.

2001 "Selected Bibliography of Major Works on Australia in the Japanese Language, 1941-1944", in Paul Jones and Pam Oliver eds., Changing Histories: Australia and Japan, Melbourne: Monash University Press.

2002 "Translators' Commentary", in Eiji Oguma, translated by David Askew, A Genealogy of 'Japanese' Self-Images, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.

2004 (with Paul Close), "East Asia Football Developments: A Global Perspective", in Manzenreiter and Horne eds., Football Goes East: Culture and Business of the Global Game in China, Japan and Korea, London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).

2004 "Debating the 'Japanese' Race in Meiji Japan: Towards a History of Early Japanese Anthropology", in S. Yamashita, J. Bosco and J. S. Eades eds., The Making of Anthropology in East and Southeast Asia, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2004 (with Paul Close), The International Political Economy of Asia Pacific and HUman Rights, Aldershot: Ashgate.

2005 森村進編『リバタリアニズム読本』勁草書房

2006-7 "Western Cooperation and Resistance in Occupied Nanking: The International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone, December 1937 - February 1938", in Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi ed., Nanking Atrocities, 1937-8: Complicating the Picture.

2006-7"The Numbers Issue", in Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi ed., Nanking Atrocities, 1937-8: Complicating the Picture.

2007 "Semantics, Sources, and Schools: Recent Research on the Nanjing Incident", in D. Askew ed., Buried Bodies, looted Treasure and Government Propaganda, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

2007 "The Scale of Japanese Atrocities in Nanjing: An Examination of the Burial Records", in D. Askew ed., Buried Bodies, looted Treasure and Government Propaganda, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.


Journal Articles


1992「米国における大正自由主義の研究 」『ユステイテイア』第3号


1994 「リバタリアニズム研究序説――最小国家論と無政府資本主義の論争をめぐって(一)」『法学論叢』第135巻第6号

1995 「リバタリアニズム研究序説――最小国家論と無政府資本主義の論争をめぐって(二・完)」『法学論叢』第137巻第2号


1997 「私生活自由放任主義――『擁護できないものを擁護する』を手がかりに」『政治経済史学』第373号


1998 "Extended Review: Koike Kazuo's The Economics of Work in Japan", New Zealand Journal of East Asian Studies, December, vol. 6, no. 2.

2001 "The Nanjing Incident: An Examination of the Civilian Population", Sino-Japanese Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, March.

2001 "Oguma Eiji and the Construction of the Modern Japanese National Identity", Social Science Journal of Japan, vol. 4, no. 1, April.

2001 「初期アイン・ランドの思想――生と価値忠実性」、『政治経済史学』第414号。

2002 "Melting Pot or Homogeneity? An Examination of Theories of Modern Japanese Ethnicity", Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies.

2002 "The International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone: An Introduction", Sino-Japanese Studies, vol. 14, April.

2002 "The Nanjing Incident: Recent Research and Trends", Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, April.

2002 "Review Article: 'Nankin Jinken' no tankyü -- sono jitsuzö o motomete", Japanese Studies, vol. 22, no. 1, May.

2002 「『恐日病』と『親日主義』――戦前・戦時における言説」、『福岡発・アジア太平洋研究報告』第11号。

2002 "Nanking 1937-38: The Evidence from the Diary of John Rabe", Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, vol. 9.

2002 "The Debate on the 'Japanese' Race in Imperial Japan: Displacement or Coexistence?", Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, vol. 3.

2002 (with Paul Close), "Minding Your Ps: A Theoretical Framework for Researching the International Political Economy of Human Rights", Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, vol. 10.

2003 "The Birth of Kanematsu Shöten: Kanematsu Fusajirö and Early Australia-Japan Relations, 1845-1890", Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, vol. 11.

2003 "Defending Nanking: An Examination of the Capital Garrison Forces", Sino-Japanese Studies, vol. 15, April.

2003 "Ôsugi Sakaes Theory of 'Social Individualism'", Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, vol. 12.

2003 "Empire and the Anthropologist: Torii Ryüzö and Early Japanese Anthropology", Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, vol. 4, December.

2004 "The Contested Past: History and Sematics in the Nanjing Debate", Ritsumeikan International Affairs, vol. 2.

2004 "New Research on the Nanjing Incident", Japan Focus, no. 109.

2005 "From Conquest and Assimilation to Acceptance and Multiculturalism: Legal Imperialism and the Ainu", Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, vol. 20.

2005 "Living Soldiers/Dying Solciers: War and Decivilization in Ishikawa Tatsuzo's Soldiers Alive", Japan Focus, no. 109.


Book Reviews



1997 "Charles L. Yates, Saigo Takamori: The Man Behind the Myth", Asian Studies Review, vol. 21, nos. 2-3, pp. 251-253.

1998 "Gavan McCormack, The Emptiness of Japanese Affluence", Asian Studies Review, vol. 22, no. 3 (September), pp. 410-414 .

1999 "Keiji Imamura, Prehistoric Japan: New Perspectives on Insular East Asia", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 5, September.

2000 "Masaru Kohno, Japan's Postwar Party Politics", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 8, March.

2000 "Naoko Shimazu, Japan, Race and Equality: The Racial Equality Proposal of 1919", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 9, May.

2000 "Honda Katsuichi, The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan's National Shame", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 10, August.

2000 "Neither Saint nor Sinner: The Life and Thought of kawa Shmei", Japanese Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia, vol. 20, no. 2, September.

2000 "Neville Meaney, Towards a New Vision: Australia and Japan Through 100 Years", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 12, November.

2001 "The Japanese Debate on the Nanjing Incident: An Overview", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 15, May.

2003 "Book Review: Neville Meaney on Australia-Japan Relations", Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, vol. 11.



1990 (共訳) N・バリ『自由の正当性――古典的自由主義とリバタリアニズム』木鐸社

1992 (共訳) M・R・ピーテイ『「日米対決」と石原莞爾』たまいらぼ

1995 (共訳) A・バーシェイ『南原繁と長谷川如是閑――国家と知識人』ミネルヴァ書房 1995

1998 tsuka Takehiro, "Japanese Fascism and kawa Shmei", New Zealand Journal of East Asian Studies, June, vol. 6, no. 1.

1999 tsuka Takehiro, "kawa Shmei and Asia, 1913-1922", Himeji International Forum of Law and Politics, vol. 4.

2002 Oguma Eiji, The Genealogy of 'Japanese' Self Images, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.

2004 Nomura Masami and Kamii Yoshihiko eds., translated by Brad Williams and David Askew, Japanese Companies: Theorie and Realities, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.

2004 Hasegawa Koichi, translated by D. Askew et al., Constructing Civil Society in Japan: Voices of Environmental Movements, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.



1998 Radio broadcast on Japanese Finance Minister, Radio National/Radio Australia, 27 November.

1999 Radio broadcast on Japanese National Flag and Anthem, Asia Pacific, 31 March.

1999 "Examination of developments in contemporary Japanese nationalism and the implications for Australia", Australia, Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Committee Hansard, 17 May.

2000 "Response to Gavan McCormack", Asian Studies Association of Australia (Electronic Journal: http://www.nepean.uws.edu.au/social/asaa/news.html), no. 7, January.

2003 (with Paul Close) "The International Political Economy of the Asia Pacific and Human Rights", Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) Newsletter, vol. 2.

2003 (with Paul Close) "Asia Pacific Regionalization and the 2002 World Cup", Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) Newsletter, vol. 2.

2003 "Editorial Introduction", Special Edition of the Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies on Australia-Japan Relations, vol. 11.

2003 (with Paul Close) "Asia Pacific, Human Rights, and Inter-Nation-State Relations: A Global Political Economy Approach", in The American Studies Association of Korea ed., Korea/Asia and America: Convergences and Ruptures, Korea: The American Studies Association of Korea.