大 学 名 設 置 者 設置場所 開学年度 学 部 大 学 院 Note: 1. Name changed in April 2009 from the College of Asia Pacific Management(注) : 1. 2009 年4 月よりアジア太平洋マネジメント学部から名称変更3University Name Founders Location Year of Opening Undergraduate Colleges Graduate Schools In 2014 the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) selected Ritsumeikan Asia PacificUniversity for Type B (Global Traction Type) funding under the Top Global University Project. Accordingto MEXT, “The Top Global University Project aims to offer support for improvements to the academic environment atuniversities that are taking aggressive action to implement university reform, adopting measures to secure their status asworld-class universities, and taking initiatives to bolster their level of international competitiveness.”APU has entered into friendship and collaboration agreements with local communities with 27 municipalities and one university:Oita Prefecture, Bungo Ono City, Saiki City, Usuki City, Beppu City, Nakatsu City, Hiji Town, Kunisaki City, Hita City, Yufu City, Kitsuki City, Usa City, Oita City, Taketa City, Bungo Takada City, Himeshima Village, Tsukumi City, Kusu Town, Kokonoe Town, Iida City (Nagano Prefecture), Kesennuma City (Miyagi Prefecture), Fukuoka City (Fukuoka Prefecture), Arita Town (Saga Prefecture), Miyama City (Fukuoka Prefecture), Ikata Town (Ehime Prefecture), Iizuka City (Fukuoka Prefecture) and the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Biratori Town (Hokkaido), and Toho Village (Asakura district, Fukuoka Prefecture).連携協定・友好協定の締結先(27自治体と1大学)大分県県内: 豊後大野市・佐伯市・臼杵市・別府市・中津市・日出町・国東市・日田市・由布市・杵築市・宇佐市・大分市・竹田市・豊後高田市・姫島村・津久見市・玖珠町・九重町県外: 長野県飯田市・宮城県気仙沼市・福岡県福岡市・佐賀県有田町・福岡県みやま市・愛媛県伊方町・ 福岡県飯塚市と九州工業大学・北海道平取町・福岡県朝倉郡東峰村大学基本情報Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific UniversityThe Ritsumeikan Trust, with cooperation from Oita Prefecture and Beppu City1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu City, Oita PrefectureApril 2000 (Graduate schools established April 2003)College of Asia Pacific Studies, College of International Management1, College of Sustainability and TourismGraduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Graduate School of Management立命館アジア太平洋大学学校法人立命館(大分県、別府市との公私協力による)大分県別府市十文字原1-12000年4月、2003年4月大学院開設アジア太平洋学部、国際経営学部1、サステイナビリティ観光学部アジア太平洋研究科、経営管理研究科地域との連携協定・友好協定Brief Overview of APUFriendship and Collaboration Agreements with Local Communities
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