2021 Undergurduate Academic Handbook

152Examinations and GradingCurriculumSeminar SubjectsOff-campus Study ProgramsOther Information and ProgramsStudy at APUCourse Registration■ Grades and GPASemester Graduating Students All Other Students Spring SemesterWed, September 1, 2021Mon, September 13, 2021Fall SemesterWed, March 2, 2022Mon, March 14, 2022Grade reports will be distributed to students who applied for them beforehand during the designated period after grades have been announced. Please note that transcripts of Academic Record (which may be purchased from the Automatic Certicate Dispenser) and student grade reports may vary in content. See below for details.AY 2017 and AY 2011 Curriculum StudentsFor Students who Experienced a Curriculum Change from the AY 2006 Curriculum to the AY 2011 Curriculum upon being Readmitted or Reinstated to APU.4.2.5Grade InquiriesStudents may, in the following cases, make inquiries regarding their grade reports within the designated period.・ A grade is not shown for a registered subject.・ A grade is shown for a subject that the student did not register.・ Errors in the grade report.・ The grade shown does not match the grade calculated from the actual marks received on exams and / or reports.The Academic Ofce will not respond to inquiries concerning the details of an evaluation. However, students who are able to prove that their grade is clearly incorrect may make a formal inquiry. In such cases, the student must clearly specify their inquiry, based on the information given in the syllabus and grade comments. Inquiries that do not provide specic explanations will not be accepted. Detailed information regarding grade inquiries will be available on the Academic Ofce website.The Grade Inquiry Form may be downloaded from the Academic Ofce website.Grade Evaluation Ofcial Transcript Student Grade Report All grades except "F"Will be printed*Grades cannot be cancelled once received. Will be printed*Grades cannot be cancelled once received. "F" gradeWill be printedWill be printedGradeEvaluation Ofcial Transcript Student Grade Report All gradesexcept "F"Will be printed*Grades cannot be cancelled once received. Will be printed*Grades cannot be cancelled once received. "F" gradeWill not be printedOnly "F" grades for that semester will be printed.

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