2021 Undergurduate Academic Handbook

148Examinations and GradingCurriculumSeminar SubjectsOff-campus Study ProgramsOther Information and ProgramsStudy at APUCourse Registration■ PlagiarismCopyrighted Work"Copyrighted Work" refers to all works as dened by Japanese copyright law. This includes written / verbal works such as dissertations and lectures, as well as broadcasts, music, performances, works of art, architecture, maps, technical drawings, models, movies, photographs, programs, etc. Online documents, data, and images are also considered copyrighted works.Quotations"Quotation" is the act of using the contents of an existing copyrighted work for your own use in line with the rules below. Although there are a number of ways to use quotations in reports, papers, etc., students may use the method taught in class or as directed by individual instructors.・ An individual's work must form the main part of a work with quotes only used to supplement the main work.・ A quote must be considered necessary.・ The source must be clearly shown.・ The parameters of the quote must be clear.・ There must be no changes to the content of the quote.

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