2021 Undergurduate Academic Handbook

147Examinations and GradingCurriculumSeminar SubjectsO-campus Study ProgramsOther Information and ProgramsStudy at APUCourse Registration■ Final Reports / APU Plagiarism PolicyMake-up Examination ScheduleMake-up examinations are only available for examinations held in the nal examination period. Make-up examinations will be held on the schedule specied for each quarter/semester. The schedule will be announced on Campus Terminal and the Academic Ofce website. Please note that if you are unable to take the test at the scheduled time, in principle, there will be no additional opportunities to take a make-up examination.4.1.3Final ReportsPoints to Remember when Writing Final ReportsStudents should follow the citation methods outlined in the "Study Skills and Academic Writing" textbook or in this handbook in the section dealing with guidelines on undergraduate thesis format when quoting from another person's work or from the Internet, etc. Students who do not follow these APU guidelines may be accused of plagiarism.Points to Remember when Submitting Final ReportsThe nal report submission periods and locations will be announced on the bulletin board, as well as on the Academic Ofce website. Make a habit of checking the bulletin board on a regular basis. Since there is a xed submission period, there are no make-up options for reports. Be sure you submit your report by the stated deadline.4.1.4APU Plagiarism PolicyWhat is Plagiarism?Plagiarism is the copying of a copyrighted work without acknowledgement, and is against academic rules and ethics. Plagiarism is also illegal and offenders may be ned or imprisoned.At APU, plagiarism, improper citations, and fabrication of data are considered forms of academic misconduct or cheating. Such cases will be handled in the same manner as cheating on examinations is handled. Students found to have engaged in such misconduct will be disciplined severely. Please refer to p.144 "Academic Misconduct" for further information on punitive measures.Reports, etc."Reports, etc." refers to any reports or other items for assessment created by students to be submitted or presented within APU. This includes reports, answer sheets, presentation materials, resumes, and all other media resources.

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