spaceThis Spring two new extensions were added to AP House - the on-campus housing facility which accommodates domestic and international students. Up until now, the dormitories consisted of only 'individual' rooms, but the extensions boast 'share-type' accommodation. A new house master system has also been introduced. In addition, a new policy aimed at strengthening the educational role of AP House is being implemented and 'AP House Seminars', foreign language support programs and field trips are in the pipeline.

Share-Type Rooms

space'One can choose friends, but not neighbors' was at the heart of the concept for which these new types of rooms were constructed. With one domestic student and one international student living side by side, students can converse, engage in and learn about cross-cultural communication and improve their foreign language speaking skills. AP House is striving to create an environment which is conducive to international learning and encourages cross-cultural exchange between its residents.

TSAI Adam Anthony
(Short-Term Exchange Student, Canada)

spaceMore than the sharing component, I'm concerned with being comfortable, happy and getting along with my room-mate, Kazuki. I only have half a year before I return to Canada, so I'm intent on making the most out of my time here. I feel that the time spent hanging out in the dormitory is more of a learning experience than anything else.

ARUGA Kazuki
(APS 1, Japan)

spaceFor someone like me without any study abroad experience I'm finding sharing with an international student terrific for enhancing my foreign language skills. Adam often points out awkward and funny English expressions that are used in Japan. Everyday is a new discovery!

Interview with
House Master Prof. Fukui

spaceAP House has recently adopted a new house master system in order to foster a greater educational learning environment within the dormitory. All new international students in their first-year enter AP House. Since there are a lot of first-year domestic students there aren't many opportunities to individually talk with faculty. Therefore, one night is set aside each week for the house master to stay overnight in the dormitory so students have the opportunity to talk to him/her. In addition to current programs such as the reading circle I hope to introduce other initiatives which foster exchange with faculty members. Our goal is for AP House to be not just a comfortable place to live, but also an academically enriching environment for all of its residents.

  'The Chrysanthemum and the Sword' studied by the Reading Circle.

Feel free to drop by Prof. Fukui's room for consultation about house-related matters.

Office Hours: Every Thursday between 20:00-22:00
Venue: Meeting Room, AP House 1

Introducing the New Buildings at APU
New AP House Extensions Fostering Multicultural Understangding
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